


产科是山东省规模最大的专业学科之一,是山东省唯 一产科学全日制博士点,山东省医师协会围产医学医师分 会、山东省妇女保健分会及山东省母胎医学分会主任委员 单位。2010 年被评为卫生部首批国家临床重点专科建设 项目,在山东省一直处于龙头地位,在全国围产医学界具 有较高的声誉。 自2002年开展超声引导下经腹中期妊娠减胎术以 来,共进行手术800余例,为国内开展此技术最早最多 的单位,达国内领先、国际先进水平;2011 年开展全国 首例射频消融减胎术治疗复杂性多胎,攻克复杂性多胎妊 娠减胎问题,达国内领先水平;2013 年与影像介入中心 合作,开展腹主动脉球囊阻断术辅助治疗凶险性前置胎盘, 形成较成熟的诊疗流程,并辐射到广东、重庆等多个省市, 达国内领先水平;胎盘植入保守治疗、多胎妊娠综合管理、 各孕期产前取材技术、基因芯片技术在产前诊断中的应用 等已形成省医产科的特色技术。省医产科还注重和其他学 科的合作,如剖宫产联合心外科手术方法治疗晚孕期致死 性心脏病,填补国内相关领域空白。 现承担国家自然基金项目3项,国家级子课题2项, 省部级科研项目多项;获国家及省部级科技奖多项;近5 年在国内外核心期刊发表论文 100 余篇,SCI 20 余篇。 培养产科学博士和硕士研究生30余人,出版著作13部, 获实用新型专利 7 项。

Obstetric department is one of the largest professional disciplines of Shandong province. It is the only obstetrics full-time PhD program in Shandong province. A committee member unit of the director of the perinatal medicine and doctor branch of physician association in Shandong province, women‘s health care branch in Shandong province and committee member units of the director of maternal-fetal medicine branch in Shandong province. It was called the first national key specialty construction of clinical project of the ministry of health in 2010. It has been in a leading position in Shandong province. It has a high reputation in perinatal medicine all over the country. Since carring out pregnancy reduction surgery through belly under the guidance of ultrasound in 2002, a total of 800 cases of surgery have been done. It is the earliest unit implementing this technology most often domestically. It is in the leading position in domestic, and has reached advanced level internationally. It has developed the country's first radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of reduction complexity multiples in 2011 and conquered complexity reduction problem of multiple pregnancy, and reached the domestic leading level; it Cooperated with image intervention center in 2013 and carried out the abdominal aorta balloon block auxiliary treatment of dangerous placenta previa and formed a more mature diagnosis and treatment process. It has been introduced to many provinces such as Guangdong, Chongqing and so on and it reached the domestic leading level. Placenta increta treated conservatively, integrated management of multiple pregnancy, the pregnancy prenatal based technology, and gene chip technology in the application of prenatal diagnosis technology and so on; all these have developed into medical obstetrical characteristics. Obstetrics of Shandong provincial hospital also pays attention to the cooperation with other disciplines, such as cesarean delivery method combined with cardiac surgery treatment of late pregnancy fatal heart disease, which filled the blank of the domestic related fields. The hospital now bears 3 national natural fund projects, 2 national corpuses, and many provincial scientific research projects. And it won many national and provincial awards. Over 100 thesis and SCI 20 were published on domestic and foreign core journals in recent 5 years. It cultivated more than 30 obstetrics doctor and master graduate students, published 13 books and won seven utility model patents.

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